Thursday, September 10, 2009

jQuery rounded corners for images!

Rounded corners have been popular for along time now. I can remember over 3 years ago, checking out Stu Nicholls website for his killer CSS tricks with boxes and other things. Images, though, always required the effect to be produced prior, and couldn't be done dynamically. Flash helped with that, but do you really want to use Flash all the time, or just for an image? A couple of months ago I created a plugin for jquery that will round your corners, and then some! Here is a feature list;
  • rounder corners w/ adjustable radius
  • border w/ adjustable width and color
  • drop shadow w/ adjustable position, color, opacity
  • image scaling
  • image positioning
  • 2K in size, minified (for those of you who do not gzip your content)
Here is a sample image to give y'all a taste...

From left to right; it's the original image, rounded image, and scaled/rounded image with border and shadow effects. There have been some requests to apply this to any HTML element, although that may come if this grows in popularity.

Here is in example of how it can be used within a page:

        <img src="img/sample1.jpg" class="round" alt="Sample 1" /><br/>
        <img src="img/sample2.jpg" class="round" alt="Sample 2" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="js/dropCurves.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
                w:500, // scale image to width 100px
                h:500, // scale image to height 120px
                bSize:2, // 2px border size
                bColor:'#000', // black border
                sColor:'#333', // shadow color
                sX:-3, // shadow offset X
                sY:3, // shadow offset Y
                o:0.5, // shadow opacity
                r:10 // corner radius

Like what you see? You can get it here!




  1. Can't you at least give ONE decent example on how it actually is used inside a page ??
    Even your "sample" above is just a simple image.

    Does this even work at all ????

  2. Example? Suuuure. I've included some code above to demonstrate how it can be used within a page.

  3. this code doesn't work, your example code doesn't work, jquery examples don't work, what a load of rubbish, please remove and stop wasting eveyones time

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